One of my top favorite tv shows ever starts tonight!!
Do ya?
Welcome to Willard, a small town lost in the idyllic world of the 50s, where the sun shines every day, everybody knows their neighbor, and rotting zombies deliver the mail. Years ago, the earth passed through a cloud of space dust, causing the dead to rise with a craving for human flesh. A war began, pitting the living against the dead. In the ensuing revolution, a corporation was born: ZomCon, who defeated the legions of undead, and domesticated the zombies, making them our industrial workers, our domestic servants--a productive part of society. ZomCon would like the people of Willard to believe they have everything under control--but do they? Timmy Robinson doesnâ¿¿t think so. At eleven, Timmy already knows the world is phony baloney--Mom and Dad just won't admit it. Now ZomCon's head of security has moved in across the street, and Timmy's Mom refuses to be the only housewife on the block who doesn't have a zombie of her own. When she brings a zombie servant home, Timmy discovers a new best friend, and names him Fido. And even though Dad has a bad case of zombie-phobia, Timmy is determined to keep Fido, even if he does eat the odd person. Sometimes, it takes a dead man to teach us all what it means to be alive.
I normally don't do zombie movies. The eating of the flesh and brains and all that gore. Pass. But this movie is different. Yes it does have a few zombie attacks but it wasn't gross.
The zombies wear collars and they are harmless creatures doing odd jobs. Delivering newspapers, gardening, cleaning etc. One guy has his zombie, Tammy, as his play thing. Ewwww. Once in a while the collar will have a hiccup and a zombie will attack.
Interesting movie. In a way kind of cute. Worth checking out.
In 1935, 13-year-old fledgling writer Briony Tallis (Saoirse Ronan) and her family live a life of wealth and privilege in their enormous mansion. On the warmest day of the year, the country estate takes on an unsettling hothouse atmosphere, stoking Briony's vivid imagination. Robbie Turner (James McAvoy), the educated son of the family's housekeeper, carries a torch for Briony's headstrong older sister Cecilia (Kiera Knightley). Cecilia, he hopes, has comparable feelings; all it will take is one spark for this relationship to combust. When it does, Briony - who has a crush on Robbie - is compelled to interfere, going so far as accusing Robbie of a crime he did not commit. Cecilia and Robbie declare their love for each other, but he is arrested - and with Briony bearing false witness, the course of three lives is changed forever. Briony continues to seek forgiveness for her childhood misdeed. Through a terrible and courageous act of imagination, she finds the path to her uncertain atonement, and to an understanding of the power of enduring love.
Briony sort of annoyed me. I get she didn't know what she saw with Robbie and Cecilia and later with Lola. But still. She screwed up Robbie's life and to an extent Cecilia's. I don't know how I feel about the end. I like it but I don't. It's kind of sad in a way. But in all in all, it was good movie.
Cecilia's green gown was beautiful. James McAvoy is a hottie and the library scene. Hot.
Bobby Green has turned his back on the family business. The popular manager of El Caribe, the legendary Russian-owned nightclub in Brooklyn's Brighton Beach, he has changed his last name and concealed his connection to a long line of distinguished New York cops. For Bobby, every night is a party, as he greets friends and customers or dances with his beautiful Puerto Rican girlfriend, Amada, in a haze of cigarette smoke and disco music. But it's 1988, and New York City's drug trade is escalating. Bobby tries to keep a friendly distance from the Russian gangster who is operating out of the nightclub--a gangster who is being targeted by his brother, Joseph, an up-and-coming NYPD officer, and his father, Burt, the legendary deputy chief of police.
I missed the first 15-30 minutes of this movie. My dear sweet husband was buzzed and kept talking to me. While I was trying to watch this movie. So I missed what was going on. Why they raided the club and all that jazz.
What I gathered is Marky Mark and Robert Duvall are trying to catch a guy who frequents Joaquin's club. Joaquin gets really upset when they bust into his club and gets into his fight with Marky Mark. However, he feels tons of guilt when Marky Mark is almost shot and killed. Joaquin decides to join the police to help capture the guy responsible for the hit and for later killing his father.
This was one of Joey's movie pick. It was decent compared to the others he's made me watch. Pretty cool car chase. Marky Mark and Joaquin Phoenix, both kind of hot.
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
Posted by: ~ames~ in amses movies, book adaptation, Grade B, movie reviews
Movie description from Yahoo! Movies: One year later, the Kings and Queens of Narnia find themselves back in that faraway wondrous realm, only to discover that more than 1,300 years have passed in Narnian time. During their absence, the Golden Age of Narnia has become extinct and Narnia has been conquered by the Telmarines and is now under the control of the evil King Miraz, who rules the land without mercy. The four children will soon meet a curious new character: Narnia's rightful heir to the throne, the young Prince Caspian, who has been forced into hiding, as his uncle Miraz plots to kill him in order to place his own newborn son on the throne. With the help of the kindly dwarf, a courageous talking mouse named Reepicheep, a badger named Trufflehunter and a Black Dwarf, Nikabrik, the Narnians--led by the mighty knights Peter and Caspian--embark on a remarkable journey to find Aslan, rescue Narnia from Miraz's tyrannical hold, and restore magic and glory to the land.The Pevensie children are back, one year later in our time, 1300 years later in Narnia. Prince Caspian opens with Prince Caspian's aunt giving birth to a son. And Prince Caspian's uncle wants the throne of Narnia for himself and his newborn son, NOT Caspian. So he sends some guards to kill him, but with the help of his dear professor, Caspian escapes into the forest of Narnia. Caspian, who escaped via horseback, gets knocked off his horse and some Narnians with doubtful intentions find him right as he blows Susan's horn (remember from the first movie?) and passes out.
Back in England, the Pevensie children are dealing with the reality that they may never return to Narnia. Lucy of course has no doubt that they will return, but the older children are growing up, and losing that hope.
Just as they are waiting for the train, Caspian blows the horn back in Narnia and the train station disappears and the Pevensie's are back in Narnia. But not is all as they left it...
Ok - my thoughts: I really enjoyed Prince Caspian! The Narnians have been in hiding for hundreds of years and the Pevensies and Caspian are their only hope of freedom from persecution and tyranny. But they have their doubts - because their beloved kings and queens did abandon them. And where the hell is Aslan? Aslan has been gone for a long long time and only Lucy seems to believe in him anymore. Prince Caspian is an interesting character to add to the mix. He's a young prince, the rightful heir to the throne of Narnia, and victim to his uncle's evil plans for domination. Telmarines took over Narnia and have been ruling ever since. They believe the Narnians are extinct and that that's a good thing, as they were savage creatures. But Prince Caspian, when he learns the truth about Narnians, that they are not extinct and they are not savage, is quick to change his tune and want to welcome the Narnians back into Narnia - when he's back on the throne. Which he needs Narnian help to accomplish.
Peter has issues with Caspian however. Because Peter used to be King Peter the Magnificent, so he's used to being in charge. And so is Caspian. So there were a few interesting scenes between these two young men. LOL There's also a corny romance between Caspian and Susan, but yeah, you'll see happens there. Edmund is not the brat he was from the first movie, and Lucy is still wonderful. I love her character.
Fans of the first movie are definitely going to like this latest installment. A solid B. The special effects are awesome too. It's all good.
A grieving young widow discovers that her late husband has left her a list of tasks revealed in 10 messages, delivered anonymously, intended to ease her out of grief and transition her to a new life.
I watched this movie and I cried several times. Like tears running down my face crying. The thing is, it was an ok movie but I enjoyed the book more. Right now my pms has taken my hormones out for a joy ride. So I don't know if I cried because the movie made me cry or cause its that time of the month.
One of the things that bugged me was Hilary Swank. I've never really cared for her and to me, she didn't fit the part of Holly.
Another thing, and totally unrelated to the movie, was James Marsters aka Spike from Buffy and Angel. Soooo odd seeing him as a brunette and with his American accent.
The movie had its cute moments but it was just ok. Read the book. It's better.
Grade: C
Have my fellow Gossip Girl lovers seen this article from New York Magazine? If you're a fan of the show you have to check it out!
It's a lengthy (7 pages), but intelligently written article capturing exactly why we love, or love to hate, Gossip Girl! If you don't want to read the entire article I've picked a few of my favorites quotes:
"...there should be no shame in a love of Gossip Girl. After all, it is (and we have come to this conclusion honestly) the most awesomely awesome show ever."
"But the best, and most addictive, aspect of Gossip Girl is that the delectable tangle of jealousy, loyalty, confusion, and general teen angst coils and recoils at such a frenetic pace."
"Gossip Girl gets the world of privileged New York City kids pretty right. The characters may be caricatures, but they recall real types enough to make you cringe: The mothers who want to shape and clothe (and then humiliate) their daughters. The gay father, the hipster Brooklyn father, the dad with the coke problem. And the kids who fall in love, have sex, smoke pot, and try to fight out their places in the social hierarchy. It’s accurate enough to have real-life parents in a tizzy and private-school principals lecturing students about why they shouldn’t watch."
"The show mocks our superficial fantasies while satisfying them, allowing us to partake in the over-the-top pleasures of the irresponsible superrich without anxiety or guilt or moralizing. It’s class warfare as blood sport. And, as Blair Waldorf might say, that’s entertainment."
So I was browsing through HBO's On Demand and ran across this little gem. I'd never heard of it but saw James McAvoy's name and decided to check it out.
I don't have time to do an indepth review but I wanted to mention this movie because I really enjoyed it!
Someone recently reviwed Death at A Funeral (I thought it was Zeek but didn't find it) and I commented on how I enjoy British humor so much more than American humor, it just seems so much more intelligent. While Starter for 10 is more of a romance it is quite humorous!
Here is a breif synopsis from Wikipedia:
A period comedy set in 1985, the story chronicles the misadventures of BrianJackson, a student in his first year at Bristol University . A somewhat obsessive collector of general knowledge, Brian has been a fan since childhood of University Challenge. That TV show's famous catchphrase - "Yourstarter for 10" -
gives the film its title.Upon arriving at university, he seizes upon the opportunity to join Bristol's University Challenge team. He promptly falls for his glamorous teammate Alice , though he may have more in common with a counterculturalist chum, Rebecca. Additionally, Brian finds himself caught between his new life, amongst the posh university set, and his old, with his working-class family and friends in the seaside town, Southend-on-sea.
I would definitely reccommend Starter for 10 it was a sweet, funny movie with some great 80's music! :) I'm giving it a solid B.
Last week - Cat got sent home. Big surprise there. The only reason she was on the show for so long was due to her flying under the radar. Which the judges finally noticed. She did not have a personality like the other girls (who stick out) do.
So this week, Dominique was all full of herself because Tyra loved her picture. And yes, I will admit it was nice. Whitney was freaking out because she was in the bottom two -AGAIN.
The challenge was to take picture of Petra (one of the judges). And OMG, Petra is hot! LOL Fatima won the challenge and I have to laugh at this - because it was a challenge on how well they took a picture and directed Petra. Not on how well they modelled or posed. So its kind of funny that Fatima won for something so technical. That said, I don't think she's going to win.
The photo shoot was shot was Nigel Barker, sexy photographer extraordinaire. It was a 50's-themed actress getting caught by the paparrazzi - so kind of an acting gig and not really a modelling one. But the models modelled and did a horrible job. The only one who did a good job was Anya, and that was because she slipped and looked shocked - like the way a starlet would if she was caught by the paps.
Year after year, cycle after cycle, a girl always says "I've never been in love, that's why I was uncomfortable." or "I never had a boyfriend before, I've never been kissed. That's why I was uncomfortable." Hello! It's called ACTING.
So the judges had no mercy for Fatima, who was uncomfortable during this shoot. Here's Nigel giving her the business. And here's a random shot of Nigel. Just cuz he's hot. LOL
And the unlucky lady who went home? Dominique. I'm using last episode's picture of her because she looked like a drag queen in her last photo. I grimaced when Tyra said "Learn how to manage that face!" Eeek.
You can read last night's episode recap HERE.
So the girls are totally kicking the guys' asses. But I don't think it has anything to do with the girls' skills - I think it's due in part to how disorganized the men are. They don't communicate. And Ben is an idiot.
Last night's challenge was to create dishes for a Sweet 16 birthday party. And the birthday girl and her psycho mom got to choose the winners. The men won - only because the girl's mom made her change her mind at the last minute!! But hey, the men can't pick and choose at this point.
There were a couple of stand out performances last night.
1) The men's team for totally disregarding Matt. I don't entirely blame them for this, but they could have at least pretended.
2) Roseanne for not cooking steak. Is she not a cook?
3) Matt for serving dry fish to the birthday girl's mom. Fish live in water-therefore they are wet. Must have been pretty bad. LOL
4) Shayna was slow slow slow. She's methodical and she can cook, but at her own pace.
So that's why she went home. She couldn't keep up with Chef. And Matt has been placed on the red team. Poor Matt. Just go home already.
Episode Recap: Georgina informs Serena that she is prepared to reveal damaging information from Serena's past, but no one is prepared for what Georgina does next.
Blair and Jenny escalate their "popularity war" by spreading scandalous rumors about each other through Gossip Girl. Dan witnesses Jenny's new boyfriend, Asher, cheating on her, but Jenny refuses to listen to her brother's warning.
Rufus goes to Lily for advice on how to handle Jenny's recent out-of-character behavior.
Ok, Serena is totally pissing me off. It's like GROW A PAIR already. LOL Georgina is back to cause trouble and Serena is letting her get away with it. Why didn't she just come clean to Dan when he introduces "Sarah"?? Stupid stupid girl!
Can't wait for next week's show!
Movie Description from Yahoo! Movies: Tony Stark is a billionaire industrialist and genius inventor who is kidnapped and forced to build a devastating weapon. Instead, using his intelligence and ingenuity, Tony builds a high-tech suit of armor and escapes captivity. When he uncovers a nefarious plot with global implications, he dons his powerful armor and vows to protect the world as Iron Man.
Starring: Robert Downey JR., Terrance Howard, Gywneth Paltrow, Jeff Bridges
Rating: PG-13
Ok - let the summer blockbusters begin!
Iron Man is the first, imo, of the big blockbuster movies of summer. And OMG what a way to start!
Tony Stark (RDJ) is a gazillionaire playboy who owns a weapons company. He's also a crazy genius type who can build anything from practically nothing (thus the iron suit in a CAVE-LOL). When he's taken captive by insurgents who have his weapons, Tony needs to deal with the reality of what he does. He's creating weapons that are being used to kill innocent people.
So when the military refuses to act, Tony redesigns his desert Iron Man suit and goes after some bad guys! Woot.
Seriously, this movie is so much more than that. It's FUNNY and action-packed and it definitely draws you in. A great way to start the summer movie season. A